domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

About Me ( compositios seven)

Well I have had a life moreless busy because I have lived in Nesa Edo.Mex. I have lived for eleven  years ago, I have also lived in the Edo.Mex in Teotihuacan since 2002 from 2011 because I enter to the school in  the D.F.

When I had 3 years I remember that my father took us to the beach, I was amazed by the beutiful scenary that my eyes seeing.

I have gone to the beach when i had 6 years old, Ihave gone to the circus, I have gone to the some states of the republic.

I have stayed on better of the country , my father has had many cars oldies.

My brother and I Have been very nice thing that could happens is that at any time I can trust it, and they trusted me.

My family and I Have been a family that has fought for everything he has single-handedly and I'm pround of that.

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